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#itseohjautuvuus #transformaatiot
Vision Canvas - the elevator pitch for a product or digital service
Vision Canvas - the elevator pitch for a product or digital service
The vision canvas, developed by Whitmore, is a concise summary of the purpose and implementation idea of a product or service. It serves the product owner, those guiding product development, and the development team by providing a foundation for discussing the key issues of the product. It is suitable, for example, for describing the implementation vision of an information system or a digital service. The strength of the vision canvas lies in its ability to prompt crucial discussions about the product and to prioritize different needs and perspectives.
Results oriented self-organizing - happy customers and employees
Self-organizing is more than just the actions and responsibility of an individual. In this article you’ll find Miika Kuha and Petri Aukia thinking about what business should take into consideration when it starts to self-organize together
Itseohjautuva organisaatio onnistuu, kun sille tarjotaan minimirakenteet
Omaa työnkuvaa laajempi päätöksenteko ei välttämättä onnistu käden käänteessä, jos siihen ei ole tottunut, ja silloin itseohjautuvuusmuutoksen johtamisestakin tulee helposti hankalaa. Tästä artikkelista löydät Sosiokratia 3.0:n tärkeimpiä minimirakenteita, jolla yhdessä ohjautumisen saa toteutettua leanisti ja ihmisille turvallisella tavalla.
SAFe, Scrum@Scale, tailored scaled framework or something else? - Comparison of scaled agile methods
When you would scale agile and how to approach the topic? We went through frameworks to scale agile and assessed how they fit on different situations - and also when it is better to build an agility path of your own.