Experiences from other change-makers, food for thought from top experts

#self-organizing #LEAN #agile

Collab#2 - Self-organizing Business

Is self-organizing topical in your organization? Are you somehow responsible for it? Do you want to utilize self-organizing in getting better results and for clearer shared objectives? If you answered “yes” more than once, this year’s Collab is for you. You are warmly welcome to apply by March 16th!

Collab is a shared forum for transformation makers, providing peer support, experiences from other organizations and energizing new tools and frameworks. Collab #2 will be about using self organizing for more effective business. In April-May 2022, Collab will use 3 workshops and 7 organization-specific experiments for digging into the big questions of self-organizing: keeping the mutual direction, tackling fears of transparency and change, and encouraging people to grow into their new mandates provided by self-organizing.

Collab #2 will be organized by Withmore, continuous improvement coach for modern businesses. Pharma company Roche Finland will share their experience and offer peer perspective on agile transformation. Collab is free of charge for participants, but it requires involvement both in workshops and between them. You can use Collab for solving your main objectives and challenges at hand, so it does not require work outside your own initiatives - just be ready to actively use the instruments it provides.

This year we’ll use English to allow wider international audience to bring in their experience. Collab #1 materials and background can be found down bellow (Finnish only).

3 workshops and 7+ experiment cycles on self-organizing

Collab #2 consists of three thought-provoking workshops which will provide transformation-makers new inspiring tools and provide a platform for sharing and hearing peer experiences. Based on applications, the participants of Collab #2 will be divided into labs, breakout groups with utmost synergy but also enough differences so that the dialogue is interesting. In the workshops, the labs get to share experiences in more depth, and the sharpest points are then picked to the common discussion with the whole group. The tools, frameworks and real-life cases provided by Collab experts accelerate thinking and experimenting. In Collab #2, the experts are:

  • People & Culture Business Partner Marita Saanila-Sotamaa and Public Policy and Communications Manager Sofia Suvila from Roche Finland, the local affiliate of global pharmaceutical company Roche that has been experimenting with self-organization for years

  • Finnish pioneers of minimum structures of self-organizing, withmore coaches Miika Kuha and Karoliina Luoto. Also Päivi Thuneberg as coordinator and facilitator for the event

  • Guest experts per subject

Between workshops, you get to utilize the new tools and understanding in experiments, in which you can work on the challenges brought up by everyday work of advancing self-organizing. The experiments are supported by weekly meetings with a fellow participant from your lab.

WED 27 April at 14

Mutual Goal and Prioritization

Tools from experts: How to form shared goals and prioritize effectively in self-organizing modus operandi?

Real-life cases on forming objectives and prioritizing

Forming the labs, presenting the participant challenges and sharing peer experiences on the theme of the day

Implementation: Starting first experiments based on the takeouts of the day

Wed 11 MAY at 14

Transparency, Results and Fears

Results from first experiments: review in the labs

Tools & cases / experts: How to get past fears of transparency? How are challenging situatuations addressed in self-organizing?

Working in the labs: Experiences on the theme, optional approaches, best practices shared with others

Implementation: Starting next experiments based on the days’ takeouts

TUE 31 May at 10

Empowerment and Accountability

Results from experiments: review in the labs, analysis on success factors

Tools & cases / experts: Which tools enable people to grasp the new roles and mandates provided by self-organizing?

Working in the labs: Experiences on the theme, optional approaches, best practices shared with others

Implementation: Planning the next steps of experimenting

Your application wanted!

For Collab #2 participants, we are looking for transformation makers who have use for collegial support, are willing to share their experiences and are ready for goal-oriented collaboration. In your application, describe your current state and the self-organizing challenge you are working on. After 16 March, roughly 20 developers who seem to benefit from Collab #2 the most, are selected to attend. Welcome aboard <3 !


Information on last round in Finnish:

Taustaa Collabista

> Mikä Collab on?

Collab on kutsupohjainen foorumi niille, jotka tosissaan kehittävät organisaatioitaan kohti liiketoiminnan ketteryyttä, leanejä toimintatapoja ja yhdessä ohjautuvuutta. Se on tilaisuus kokemusten ja vinkkien jakamiselle niiden kesken jotka ratkovat samoja kysymyksiä. Se on mahdollisuus saada huippuasiantuntijoiden tuoreimmat näkemykset siitä, miten ja miksi toimintatapojen kehittäminen onnistuu.

> Miten Collab toteutetaan?

3 työpajan sarja täsmäaiheesta, aitoa jakamista.

Collabissä tavoitteena on, että osallistujat pääsevät käsittelemään juuri sitä aihetta, joka on tällä hetkellä heille akuutein. Samalla pyrkimyksenä on muodostaa yhteisö, jossa aito jakaminen on mahdollista. Niinpä Collab toimii työpajasprintteinä. Saman aiheen ympärille kokoonnutaan kolme kertaa samalla kokoonpanolla.

Työskentelyn ajan organisaatioiden arki toimii osallistujien koelaboratoriona, kun Collabissä syntyneitä ajatuksia testataan tapaamisten välillä käytäntöön. Sprintien päätteeksi arki jatkuu, mutta ei samanlaisena. Collabin jälkeen kehittämistä buustaavat uudet työkalut sekä Collabissä syntynyt verkosto muita organisaatioiden kehittäjiä, joihin voi olla tarvittaessa yhteydessä.

Collab-sprintti on osallistujille maksuton. Jotta jokainen osallistuja saisi investoimastaan ajasta parhaan hyödyn irti, osallistujat valitaan kutsuttujen joukosta hakemusten perusteella.